Writing Wednesday - 3.6.24

Writing Wednesday - 3.6.24


Hello friends.   I am glad to see that those that have subscribed on the webpage are receiving email updates.  Be patient with me as I figure out this technology.  So, if you would like to know what has been happening, subscribe! 

Go to www.pamsdenofcreativefun.com

As you know this month is all about birthdays (well, we are throwing in some other fun too.....so be on the lookout!)

We have started our month long Birthday bash of fun with creating cards. 

We used stickers, washi tape, cut out shapes, and bright colorful cardstock.

When you experiment with other materials, sometimes they don't meet your expectations.  What we found out is that wrapping paper didn't work too well when we tried to cut out shapes with the shape punches.  Just an fyi for all my friends out there.  

I am wondering what your favorite birthday activity is.  Birthday games?  Eating out and celebrating?  Opening gifts?  Oh, eating cake and ice cream?? 

Keep an eye out on the Facebook page to be in the know!!  We love seeing our friends engaged.  And you know it is ok to watch the Make it Monday sessions whenever you have time.  Replays are a great opportunity to take your time in watching and learning the process. Sometimes it is helpful to watch first, then create.  But whatever works for YOU.

So, let us keep creating and we will keep celebrating this month! 



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