Back to painting rocks

Back to painting rocks

We have gone back to painting rocks.  This time for that holiday at the end of the month of October.  Pumpkins are in our artistic thoughts!! 

So many ideas for funny faces.  Who out there likes smiles?  frowns?

lots of teeth? or missing teeth?  


When working with a group of folks who need support and guidance to complete the fun activity, there are options for participation.  

 an idea for one part of the creative process is simple choices of color

- light or dark orange by holding up the bottles.  Which one does the individual express choice by vocalizing choice, looking in the direction of a particular color choice or reaching to touch the bottle.  These are a few ideas.  

What about the eyes?  mouth?  Can you draw a model of a picture to show them to make choices?  That would be a fun way to see what they would like.  Can they draw that face on the rock?  Or, by making the choice, the caregiver can then draw the mouth, nose and eyes for them.  It can be a partner activity to all have fun!

These strategies can be used for many parts of this activity.  Think about what would work for individuals that you are guiding in the activity.  



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