Then and Now! Keep Enjoying the process

Then and Now! Keep Enjoying the process

Thought I would write today about starting something and continuing to try!

 Received these pictures and thought……wow!! Look how far he has come with his skating.




 Past compared to recent pics tell a wonderful story!

We all have initiated a new adventure, skill, class, task, and a learning experience… then have those nagging thoughts in our heads.  “Not good enough…..I will never get that…..etc….etc…”

 When I think about my many years as an Occupational Therapist, I also know that I didn’t know everything then, and still don’t.  But, with continued perseverance and belief in my abilities, I strive to gain greater skill and abilities.

 I feel the same is true for our leisure pursuits.  I don’t feel you wake up and expect yourself to be a gifted and talented writer, athlete, scholar, _______(fill in the blank.) Some of us for sure, have been given talents of a higher level than others, but they still had to practice, learn, practice and learn some more!

That doesn’t matter if you are limited with your physical or cognitive abilities.  I feel the same is true for all to continue to persevere, learn and try!

 How many of us have struggled with learning new technology and have gotten frustrated with oursleves??  ME!!!!!  I have often told myself that “I won’t get this or that”  but in fact, I am further along now that I was when I started!  And I am confident that I will be further along next week, and the week after that.

 I will keep trying, learning and persevering!! Thinking of my word for the year which is "ENJOY", I will find enjoyment in the process of new learning and gaining confidence in my abilities. When I fall down, I just take a pause, regroup and get back up.  I can ask for help from those that are more educated in the area of my needs. 

 So, stay tuned and I will share how far I have come in future blog posts. AND, I will share how far others have come as well with much enjoyment.  We can get inspired by many! Take ownership of new abilities no matter how small each step is, or how long it may take!! 

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